Auditory Miscalculations

It is not too often that I write about Asperger's simply because I don't want it to define me (and people make assumptions about who I am because of it), perhaps in that respect I am just trying to mask it for myself as a protection from everyone else's perceptions, but in saying that there are really amazing parts to having this be a part of me that a lot of people don't talk about. One of those things is my auditory processing or lack there of, which most of the time brings instant hilarity for John and I.

John: Did you take your vitamins yet?
Me: (What I heard: Do you want your vitamins Steph) No!
John: (brings me said vitamins)
Me: Why are you giving me these? I said I didn't want them!
John: Steph, I asked you if you had taken them yet... do you still want them?
Me: Oh. Well, Um....yes I will keep them!

The Senior population and I get along exceedingly well.


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